Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The truth about cell phones is most of you dont need them you just have them for a status symbol.Here are the top ten bullshit excuse people use on a daily basis to justify this expense.

1. "I just carry it so if i break down in the middle of no where i can call for
help". Well if you are in the middle of no where you wont have service dumbass.Heres a thought spend that extra money a month you spend on cell phone bill one some maintenece to you damn car.

2."I need if for emergencys like if someone rapes or attacks me", well what are you going to do look at the attacker and say hold on just a second ive got to make a quick call? Pepper spray, a stun gun, and a rape whistle are cheap and they dont come with a monthly fee.

3. "I need it for my job" his ones way overused, hell over eighty percent of the people using this excuse work in one building and never leave unless they are going to lunch or home. Just a thought why not use that land line instead and spare me this bullshit excuse.

4. "I need it for medical emergencys" this one is valid depending on your condition. In most cases if a medical emergency comes up your not going to be able to speak you'll be to busy droppin a duece in your pants. Plus most of you have the 911 locater feature turned off so how the hell are they going to find you anyway? Two words for ya "life alert"

5. "I use it to keep up with my kids when they are out" Well well isnt that nice your using it to keep up with where you kids are. Just off the top of my head im thinking hmmmmm.....If you where even a half ass parent your kids would be home and not roaming the streets or wherever the hell they want to go. Save some money smack little timmy's ass and tell him he cant go running around all the time!

6. "I use it because i have a sick/dieing relative" This ones right up there with
the medical emrgency excuse.What is aunt beatrice going to do call you up and say im dead? As James Brown has showed us the body can wait a day or two , or a month or so for that matter.

7."I get free long distance with my cell phone and i call long distance alot" Well
thats allmost a valid argument.I get to listen to half of every word you say when
you call because your cell phone breaks up and you get to save on long distance what a great idea. Most Land line companies offer a long distance plan for a set rate every month and i dont have to miss every third word you say you cheap bastard.

8."My wifes pregnant and due any day" You sir are an idiot,when your pregnant wife is out of hearing range is quality time for you. Enjoy the time not listening to her yell at you for every little thing. I cant help you here, no one

9. "my kids get home before i do and i can check on them with my cell phone" again this goes right up with the whole "i use it to keep track of my kids". If your little bundles of joy cant left alone for the 20 minutes you spend driving home from work then maybe little timmy shouldnt be left alone. Leave them be , if they play with the toaster in the bathtub then problem solved, and next time use a condom.

10. "Every else has one" this is what it all boils down to. Little kid mentality, billy has one ,jessie has one , so you have to have one. Grow up and only have one if you really need it.

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