Monday, May 14, 2007

Google hates me and thinks im gay part 2

Like i said im my previous rant Ive been working hard at convincing google im not gay. Ive been using google's webmaster tools thinking i could maybe fix googles oversight i checked the list of phrases that people searched for that brought them here and today's list included:

Google search Keywords

"did i leave a bad taste in your mouth"

"bad taste berlin myspace"
* "
"bad taste in mouth gassy"

*"cat care bad taste in mouth"

Great all that work and now anyone looking for a fart that leaves a bad taste in your mouth or someone licking their cat clean will find me. Who the hell is searching for this crap? But i thought at least the "are you gay" ads where gone so maybe i had made some head way that is until i went to myspace. As i was looking for the cam-ho of the week for the forums i noticed the ad at the bottom of the screen, it read "GAY" are you? What the hell is this some sort of internet conspiracy? Just what is it thats making me look gay?

Before these articles about google i dont even think i can find the word gay on this site, the closest i come to it is the wizard of OZ commentary so really what gives? Is there some sort of great internet conspiracy going on? is there some hidden gay cookie stuck in my cache? What oh what have i done , when i exited Myspace i noticed this add .What the hell happened to subtlety in advertising? A picture of some guy with his shirt off with the words "men men men" scrolling across the screen and the phrase " get it on" is not only not subtle its flat out calling me Gay! Now there is no doubt in my mind i have offended the great internet gods , for this tonight i will make an offering to the internet gods so that they may forgive me. I will stab and burn my copy of The 40-Year-Old Virgin, While i chant to the great internet gods. ( sorry the movie was the closest thing i could find to a real virgin)

Maybe if i try to feed the internet spiders certain words or phrases they will let me leave this google/myspace hell. Here goes Charlton heston, John Wayne, Truck pulls, Monster Trucks, Rambo, The man Show, Boobies , hot chicks, and Beer.

Also for you Internet explorer users im trying to see if i cant make the font on this site bigger so you old farts can read it. Plus the forums are temporarily down until i can fix a few things sorry .........

For more see my site

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