Friday, June 1, 2007

The Google Gods are Heartless Bastards

Hardcore googler's discovered a new stalker feature in googles image search and from it i discovered the google gods have no heart. The new image feature is pretty simple , go to and click on image search , type in someones name like say George Bush and you get your results and the url would look like this:

If you add this "&imgtype=face" to the url and make the url look like this:

it will specify that google looks for images of faces. Also if you add &imgtype=news to the url it will trigger google to look for news related images which could actually be handy. This got me to thinking who does google consider the face of, like who does google consider is the face of the word dumbass. Pat robertson and the chick who tattooed golden palace on her forhead are in the top ten which makes sense to me but i do question why paris hitlon isnt ranking higher. Seeing Paris Hilton made me think of the word slut for some reason so i figured hey whose face does google consider the definition of the word slut
here are the results

My first response was shock i couldn't believe Paris wasn't at the top , hell britney spears only ranked 7th! My next thought who was this mystery girl that ranked number 1? She must be a serious ho to out rank Paris, so i had to know what she had done to get this honor. The image google had found came from this site

The first words on the site are "In Memory of My Only Child. She had 18 years in this world." WTF? Its a page dedicated in the memory of some poor guys daughter, surely there had to be more to it so i read on. I thought the google gods hated me but from what i can tell they really havent unleashed their wrath on me instead i think they reserved it for this dead girl. Sure google hates me and thinks im gay but at least they aren't calling my dead daughter a slut! What the hell triggered her as the number one face for the word slut? With so much internet porn out there and
Paris Hilton wanna bees how did she rank so high? I must have missed something.

What must this guy have done to deserve this oh great google gods? Did he use yahoo? or was it that offended thee oh great ones? Hell even i feel sorry for him , his wife suffered from depression to the point of trying to commit suicide , and his daughter ended up starving herself to death. After going through all that and then you heartless google bastards pinpoint his daughter as the face for the word "slut"! Be wary internet travelers, you may one day offend the great google and from what i can see they have a dark side.

Upon a closer examination of the site i did see the image was named maya-slut.jpg so maybe thats what triggered google but hey ive taken thy name "Google" in vain already so screw em, its still pretty cold hearted.

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