Every day you see a new article about how the internet is leading people to problems in relationships or divorce. If ive read one article about internet porn, online relationships, finding out your partner is into gay bestiality while squishing gerbils with their chocolate covered clown shoes, ive read a million. But while searching through all these articles i couldn't find one that talks about the number one internet related argument starter, "SPAM". Yup good old unsolicited porn adds ones with subject headings like;
hey , i really enjoyed you coming by my website last night
I really miss you and im horny
What she doesn't know wont hurt her
- My friends and i would want you to come back over
The list goes on and on those are just a few i pulled from my e-mail today. Now say one day you forget to log out of your e-mail and your better half comes along noticed it goes to log you out and just what do you think is going to jump out to them like it was written in bold and neon flashing? If they have been on the net and signed up to a forum or two they will be familiar with these spam e-mails. If there not then the next thing your know a simple scan of you e-mail and your a pervert looking for some action. Heaven forbid you actually clicked on any of the e-mails that just makes it worse , now it looks like you read it.
Next they scan a little closer and they see the internet fetish spam e-mails with subjects like;
- Look "your name" Hot teenage girls getting naughty like you like em
- Hey "You name" i finally turned 18 come see me pleasure myself
- Look here "Your name" we've got those tiny Asian girls midget girls you like
- "Your name" the hottest gay midget clowns doing donkey shows you requested is now available
Subject headings in spam like the one above a worse then normal spam because they have your actual name in them, this really makes it look like you went looking for it. Of course if you other half reads just the headings there going to say " that sick bitch/bastard" and think your really into the teen girls or midget clowns. From there the we have the icing on the cake spam , the stuff that comes from online dating websites heres a few examples;
- New hott friends and a New messages at your Megafriends account
- Hey "You name" , you asked for hot new members. We have 6 of them!
- "You name" , hook up with one of your 17 new matches right now
- 10 HOTT new matches for your personal add click here
If you click the link in those e-mails you go to a web page that looks like you have actually set up an account. Great now your a teen clown midget humper on the prowl for a good time.
Now heres the real truth on how spam works the basic spammer mass mailing program just sends out every name in a baby book to your internet provider such as bob@aol.com , bobby@aol.com and so and so forth. They take the ones that dont come back undeliverable and put them into their good list, next its every name in a baby book with numbers thrown in like bob1@aol.com , bob2@aol.com, they keep going on out 8 digits or so until they have covered the possibilities pretty well and they too go in the good list. This list is where your basic non specific spam e-mails come from like the first ones i discussed.
The more specific spam e-mails the ones with actual names or details those are a little harder but those crafty spammers still get the job done. A bunch of different ways are incorporated here the easiest is stripping those damn mass forwarded e-mails you know the ones that are 4 pages long with forwarded addresses until you actually get to the damn subject! Most of those have your name listed like "John doe" johndoe@aol.com so now weve got a valid e-mail address and a name to go with it. So please start stripping those forwarded e-mail addresses before you send that friggin e-mail to save poor little Alison who is dying of cancer or the e-mail that gets me free Disney tickets from bill gates himself. Better yet just keep me off the list alltogether.
More complicated e-mail address miners are what i call forum leaches and these can be the worst if you have ever used a forum before. Generally in a forum you have to sign up and some require certain fields like location, birth date, sex , you name it. Forum leaches simple go to a website and start hitting the profile links of the forum for all the users, now they have , a valid e-mail address, a name, a birth date, your location and more. If the forum has an option of " dont allow other users to e-mail me" like the baddrink.com forums do i recommend you check it and it will block the leaches. Thats just a few methods use to get your email address and personal info there are a ton more, dont even get me started on spyware thats a subject for another day.
Spammers take this wonderful info and plug it automatically gets plugged into the proper fields to make a valid web link heres a breakdown.
- To : "your emailaddress"
- Subject: "your name hey" 20 people responded to your personals ad
- Text: Hey "your name hey" you've been getting a lot of response on your looking for sweet teen asian midget personals ad , click the link below to see who all responded you clown shoe wearing stud.
- The actual link: www.singles site.com/jibberish/"your e-mail address" / jiberish/ "your name" / more jibberish/ "your city"/ jiberish/ "your age or birthday" .html
Sometimes the link is that obvious other times your personal info has been replaced with numbers that correspond with a database at that website and it cross references the info when you go to the link. In the end you get a pretty little webpage with personal info looking like you signed up for the site, its called phishing , and yes some sites do end up getting new customers this way.
So just becuase your betters half inbox looks like a letter to dear penthouse or pedifiles weekly that doesnt mean they are midget clown humpers out on the prowl looking for action.