Friday, June 22, 2007

Whats with the LOLcats ????

There have been several trends on the internet that i didnt quite understand how or why they got so popular over the years. The first i didn't quite get was the whole "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" that came from the sega game "Zero Wing". Then there was the "I Kiss You guy", Mahir Cagri, didnt get that one either. Now its LOLcats????? pretty much pics of cats/kittens with cute phrases with them that are mispelled 50% of the time since as we all know cats are shitty spellers or they are written like cats speak leet. You know ive suspected for years that cats might be closet hackers so this would explain the whole speaking leet thing. Ive caught my cat typeing on the keyboard a time or two , sure cats want us to believe they are really just walking across the keyboard by accident but im sure hasdlkjsgfl;hk;.'';;l'5 means something in cat.

Ive seen these LOLCats off and on for years but recently they seem to be flooding the net in blogs or news articles. They are spreading like a virus on the net and mutating into LOLdogs, LOLbunnies, LOLhamsters and just about any other cutesy thing you can think of LOLporn might be next ewwww. Did we all just suddenly feel the need to see something cutesy? Hell they are now calling Saturdays caturdays for trading or posting LOLcats online. No one can say for sure the origins of these LOLcats but
im sure this trend will end like all other internet fads in time.

For now seems to have a pretty good collection if your into LOLcats

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