Thursday, May 24, 2007

Routine stop turns into porno for lucky trooper

Im not sure if everyone has heard about it but a Tennesee state trooper is accused of not arresting a lady in exchange for oral sex. Now maybe this makes me a pig or maybe this makes me a realist, but i think most men can understand this guy. He is a tennessee state trooper out late at night looking for speeders, drunk drivers, or anybody else he can harass. Then he pulls over a car with this cute 21 year old that just happens to be buzzing and has a few of her illegal happy pills with her. Not only is she cute and semi stoned but low and behold she is none other then porn star "Barbie Cummings". Is it just me or is this how a lot of porn movies start? Thats the magic porno recipe: young girl late night, man in power or a pizza guy mix together with some cheesy music and instant porno.

Looking at this guy im going to guess this was his once in a life time chance that something like this would happen. Im not saying that justifies any abuse of power but hey he wasnt married and she offered. She even posted how she wanted to do it again the next time she was in the area, so im guessing she didnt develop a deep emotional scar. The tropper still gave her the speeding ticket he just didnt clog up our courts with another pill head that will do nothing more then learn about newer drugs while in jail. He saved us some tax dollars and got a priceless memory , no harm no foul right?

Theres one thing that i noticed the news sources have overlooked in this little matter, the fact good ole inoccent Barbie is milking this for all its worth. ( pun intended ) Do a web search for Barbie Cummings and see if you what you find, other then her website you really dont find much except for news about this. Prior to her posting this on her blog she was a nameless porn actress and now she has her 15 minutes of internet fame. When the web hits started going up on her site she pulled the blog, the pics, and the video and it was replaced with a porn site listing a bunch of other porn stars so they too could bask in the glory of this news story.

Marital Disclaimer: note to Wife please notice i mentioned the officer wasnt married, had he been married it would have been different.

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